
Friday May 18, 2018
Fitspeek 35: Your long weekend aural fixation
Friday May 18, 2018
Friday May 18, 2018
Take Fitspeek with you this weekend on the road whether that’s on the Trans-Canada, Highway 97, or the manic dash to the ferry terminals. We have an hour of entertaining and insightful content featuring Canadian Triathlon Legend Jeff Symonds. Jeff has been an icon in the sport with his special kind of mental toughness that … Continue reading "Fitspeek 35: Your long weekend aural fixation"

Saturday Apr 28, 2018
Fitspeek 34: Peg Peters – Run For Water
Saturday Apr 28, 2018
Saturday Apr 28, 2018
Program 34 features an interview with the organizer of the Abbotsford Run For Water and the all new Ride For Water. In our interview with Peg Peters we find out about his motivation for the creation of the event, his alliance with local “Gravel King” Matt Scott, as well as why the events are just … Continue reading "Fitspeek 34: Peg Peters – Run For Water"

Saturday Apr 21, 2018
Did someone say peanut butter? The Nathan Killam Interviews – Part B
Saturday Apr 21, 2018
Saturday Apr 21, 2018
Thanks for waiting! Here is part two of our interview with Vancouver professional triathlete Nathan Killam, a guy his competitors call a pyscho on the downhills, and the most positive pro male triathlete competing today. We dust off that veneer and reveal his murky obsessions with Zwift and peanut butter, we discover his least favourite … Continue reading "Did someone say peanut butter? The Nathan Killam Interviews – Part B"

Wednesday Apr 18, 2018
Fitspeek 33: Return To Wildflower – The Nathan Killam Interviews (Part A)
Wednesday Apr 18, 2018
Wednesday Apr 18, 2018
Hang on for an interesting, motivating, and sometimes hilarious sixty minutes with Fitspeek favourite Nathan Killam. Last year we told you the story of this former heavy duty mechanic-Burger King lover turned fire fighter and professional triathlete. This year we caught up with Nathan between training sessions as he prepares for his best ever performance … Continue reading "Fitspeek 33: Return To Wildflower – The Nathan Killam Interviews (Part A)"

Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Getting Intense With Nathan Killam
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
We are excited about bringing you our most recent interview with professional triathlete Nathan Killam from Vancouver.
In Fitspeek 33 we go deep with one of the favourites to perform well at the world famous Wildflower Long Course Triathlon next month. Be listening to the interview for your chance to win with F2C and Dynamic Race Events.
Saturday Apr 14, 2018
Fitspeek Update: A change in focus???
Saturday Apr 14, 2018
Saturday Apr 14, 2018
Up until now, Fitspeek has been the Fraser Valley’s Fitness, Wellness, and Endurance Sports Podcast but to capitalize on the ever-growing first time parents segment of the population, we are changing our focus to a sort of Parenting Today approach. Our first contribution is from Nathan Killam. In this segment, Nathan speaks about father/son dynamics.
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Fitspeek 32: Vince Speeks & Heritage to Hatzic
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
From professional soccer player to web designer, to elite triathlete, to “Mr. Mom” to “The Music Man” Abbotsford’s Vince Dimanno has had a wide variety of jobs and pursuits. Vince is now the owner of Deep Blue Creative and a coach with the Abbotsford Triathlon Club. In our second Vince Speeks segment, we hear about … Continue reading "Fitspeek 32: Vince Speeks & Heritage to Hatzic"

Wednesday Apr 04, 2018
Fitspeek 31: Vince Speeks!
Wednesday Apr 04, 2018
Wednesday Apr 04, 2018
We’re happy to unleash Fitspeek 31 on all of our listeners. Spring is here and so is some all new information and inspiration on the program. We lead things off with segment 1 of our feature interview with Abbotsford’s Vince Dimanno. Vince has led a very interesting life with sports a very big part of … Continue reading "Fitspeek 31: Vince Speeks!"

Sunday Mar 11, 2018
At the Intersection of Fitness & Business: Introducing Charlotte Lepp
Sunday Mar 11, 2018
Sunday Mar 11, 2018
Our latest Fitspeek guest is local business owner Charlotte Lepp. Lepp’s Farm Market in Abbotsford is the go-to place for locally grown meat and vegetables. Although Charlotte was never a high school sports star, she’s proof that regular exercise can do wonders for a person’s quality of life Listen to Charlotte’s story by pressing play. … Continue reading "At the Intersection of Fitness & Business: Introducing Charlotte Lepp"

Friday Mar 02, 2018
Fitspeek 29: The Joe Dixon Story
Friday Mar 02, 2018
Friday Mar 02, 2018
In Fitspeek 29 Kevin Watt is back with his social media shout outs and Zack Neufeld has part two of his Between The Ears series on positive self-talk. Our feature interview is with a person who is largely responsible for the race choices that we have as multisport athletes here in BC. Joe Dixon sort of got … Continue reading "Fitspeek 29: The Joe Dixon Story"

Monday Feb 19, 2018
Fitspeek 28: Going Long(er) with F2C
Monday Feb 19, 2018
Monday Feb 19, 2018
As all of us get back into our serious racing and training sessions with the start of a new year, Mission’s F2C Nutrition is launching a new endurance formula product. Greg Cowan from F2C is our guest. He’ll be telling us about the science behind the product, the F2C pro athlete line up (featuring THIS … Continue reading "Fitspeek 28: Going Long(er) with F2C"

Friday Feb 09, 2018
Death, Taxes, and The Spring Series
Friday Feb 09, 2018
Friday Feb 09, 2018
There’s not too many sure things in life anymore but you can count on the Spring Series to be here. The long-standing bike races are once again returning to the Fraser Valley to give locals opportunity to harvest their fitness from months of training in the basement, or on the dark and rain-swept roads.
If you are a person who is interested in doing your first road cycling race, you should really listen to my interview with Ryan Coussineau from Escape Velocity Cycling. He goes through the process that you should follow in order to be prepared when the series starts up in a couple of weeks. No, you don’t need a ten thousand dollar bike to do this stuff!
In addition to information on the Escape Velocity Club, my Fitspeek Express Interview inevitably goes to the dogs as Ryan and I digress into conversations about his newly-found MOBI bike fetish (?) and his EPIC charity ride up Oxford Street in White Rock. Hear all that, and tales of Cosco Scotch by pressing play below!

Friday Feb 02, 2018
Fitspeek 27: The Many Faces of Kristina Paule
Friday Feb 02, 2018
Friday Feb 02, 2018
Following our very popular interview with local Cyclismo Brandon Jones, Fitspeek returns with another local athletic dynamo!
Fitspeek 27 features a full-length interview with Abbotsford mom, employee, Vince-Tamer, musical performer, piano teacher, triathlete, and yes DUCK! (yes there is a reason for the picture to your right).
Kristina Paule just ran the Abbotsford Running Room’s Hypothermic Half. This was her very first half-marathon. It ended with a down to the wire battle for first female overall.
In the interview, you’ll hear about her background as a dancer in school, how she balances all of her life’s duties with her passion for triathlon, and her goals for the upcoming year.
In addition to Kristina, (pictured left here), you will also hear the voice of Zack Neufeld (pictured right!).
Zack is doing our race report this week. He is also helping out the newest member of the Fitspeek cast, Brandon Jones in what we hope to be a regular feature on Fitspeek: Jonsies Top Five. Brandon’s first top five list features something very close to his heart (and blood stream).
Hear Kristina, Zack, Brandon, and the rest of the Fitspeek cast by pressing play below.
http://www.fitspeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Fitspeek-27-Kristina-SpeeksFit.mp3Also, remember to tell your friends that this is the last month for the Tri*Joy Tri-For-Fifty promotion. They can get into a personalized coaching program for triathlon, running, or cycling for just fifty dollars. E-mail me at kknnheinze@yahoo.com and we can set up a free fitness and goals consultation.

Sunday Jan 21, 2018
Brandon Jones: The Caffinator! Our guest on Fitspeek 26
Sunday Jan 21, 2018
Sunday Jan 21, 2018
Due to popular demand we finally were able to contact and interview local fast guy Brandon Jones. It turns out that he is a nice guy too! Well, other than crushing the local climbs and ripping off the legs of his competition.
In addition to the Brandon Jones interview, Fitspeek 26 also features fresh from Area 51, Kevin Watt with his social media shout outs and Zack Neufeld with his Between The Ears segment.
Here it all now by pressing play!
http://www.fitspeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Brandon-Jones-The-Caffinator-Fitspeek-26.mp3If you have a race or any other health or fitness event you would like to promote, leave us a comment on this page.
Also, if you are ready to take your fitness to the next level, Tri*Joy the Spirit of Multisport can help you. If you want to improve your cycling, running, or triathlon, contact kknnheinze@yahoo.com.
We offer in-person consultations, personalized and effective training plans, and weekly follow-ups.

Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
Phoenix Velo Presents: Speak and Spin 2018
Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
Coming up this Sunday (January 21st) at the Mission Senior’s Centre is the annual kick off for the Phoenix Velo Training Group. In this Fitspeek Express Interview, we speak with club president Geoff Oram.
http://www.fitspeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Speak-and-spin-interview.mp3And if you want to know what the significance of the picture below is, you are going to have to listen to the end of the interview!

Friday Jan 05, 2018
Fitspeek 25: Setting up your New Year/Wentings Spin Sessions
Friday Jan 05, 2018
Friday Jan 05, 2018
With a new year comes new opportunities for awesomeness. For many members of the Wednesday Night Spins at Wenting’s Cycle in Mission, their new season is already off to a strong start. That’s because they’ve already been training smartly during the dark season.
In this episode of Fitspeek, we go into the spin-pit at Wenting’s and speak with many local triathletes and cyclists including Leigh-Ann Parker Vanderlinde, Tatania Sean, Paul McLachlan and Dan McLachlan. We ask them about their 2017 season and about their plans for the new year.
http://www.fitspeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Wentings-Wednesdays-Fitspeek-25.mp3And if you are looking to “crush it” in 2018 and need some extra help along the way, the folks at Tri*Joy} The Spirit of Multisport offer one on one consultations and customized training plans to make your season your best yet. Email kknnheinze@yahoo.com to get more details.

Monday Jan 01, 2018
Geo Wade & Diella Siemens: Going Long (repost)
Monday Jan 01, 2018
Monday Jan 01, 2018
Just in case you didn’t get a chance to hear it the first time ’round, this is a re-post of the great interview that Kevin Watt, Zack Neufeld, and I did with Diella & Geo. We get into some great storytelling about how they were drawn to doing ultra-long sporting events and some of the adventures they have had while training for them and doing them. No need to fast forward to get to the interview. Just hit play

Friday Dec 22, 2017
Going Long – Fitspeek 24: The “Ultra-Edition”
Friday Dec 22, 2017
Friday Dec 22, 2017
Geo Wade and Diella Siemens are both amazing people. In addition to holding down regular jobs and being parents and spouses like “the rest of us” they are also ultra-endurance athletes, although they don’t really like to admit it.
In Fitspeek 24 Diella tells us about her first experience of “going-long” when she decided to walk home from work one day (from Vancouver to Port Coquitlam). Since then she has tackled her first half Ironman distance triathlon, developed a healthy interest in long-distance cycling and is preparing to do another ultra marathon.
Geo Wade discovered in the Victoria Half Ironman that 2 K of swimming was just an appetizer and had an appetite for more. Last year he completed a non-stop bike ride from Port Hardy to Victoria. This year he attempted the swim from the Mainland to Nanaimo.
Geo and Diella are great examples of what Fitspeek is all about, ordinary people doing extraordinary things. In addition to our feature interview we also have our usual features including Kevin Watt’s Social Media Shout Outs, Zack Neufeld’s Between The Ears, and I have your Top 3 heath trends of 2017. Hear it all by pressing play below:
Thursday Dec 14, 2017
Fitspeek 23: More than just swim, bike, run!
Thursday Dec 14, 2017
Thursday Dec 14, 2017
In this episode, we show that Fitspeek is indeed more than just race results and tri-talk.
Our newest podcast features our first installment of the Top 6 Health Trends of 2017. We’ll sort through the hype & the jargon & give you the straight goods on things like HIIT and “Wearable Technology.” And no, we have not forgotten our usual features like the upcoming events schedule and the race results.
Have you got 20 minutes? Because Fitspeek 23 has something for you! It’s all at your fingertips below.
http://www.fitspeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Program-23-planet-mikey-and-top-health-trends-of-2017.mp3And if you are inspired to take your training to the next level for your upcoming fondo, marathon, or triathlon sample our Tri*Joy Tri-For-Fifty promotion. Get details at kknnheinze@yahoo.com

Sunday Dec 10, 2017
BC’s BCs: The Brothers Cook
Sunday Dec 10, 2017
Sunday Dec 10, 2017
In our last Fitspeek Express interview we heard from Dan Cook: realtor, part time runner and full time father of four.
This time we hear from the rest of this podium dominating family from Abbotsford including: 17 year old Travis, 14 year old (Mr. Energy Saver ) Preston, and 7 year old Fraser. These are names sure to be part of the Fraser Valley’s running scene for years to come.